Working with us

Recruiting for the team is one of the most exciting things we get to do. 

Our work is guided by our principles: Humanity, Originality, Excellence and Fearlessness.

Our vision is for everyone’s lives to be elevated and enhanced by exceptional music. Our purpose is to make music for change; for transformative impact.

This is who we are. This is what we do.

Through our music and our impact, we change the lives of people and the prospects of places. And we also reimagine what an orchestra can do – through debate, innovation, and craft. We show this not just through our actions, but also in the way that we work. Just as our namesake Florentine Camerata did in Renaissance Italy almost 500 years ago, we question, challenge, and celebrate what an orchestra can do.

We do not expect to find an ‘answer’ or an ‘end point’. This is a pro. We will be relentless in following this path, continually setting new horizons of expectations for what a modern world-class orchestra can achieve.

Our orchestra has written this culture statement which outlines our values in a working environment.

We encourage everyone associated with us to:

  1. Be mindful of and respect others.
  2. Recognise the importance of individuals feeling heard.
  3. Be mindful of our core principles: Humanity – Originality – Excellence – Fearlessness.